How to Request Voice Notes via a Shareable Link

Use this section to point out how your product works and why it is different

In today's fast-paced digital world, effective communication is crucial. Whether you're collaborating with colleagues, gathering feedback from customers, or conducting interviews, being able to easily request and share voice notes can significantly streamline your processes. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how you can leverage shareable links to efficiently collect voice recordings, focusing on the powerful features offered by Vocal.

Vocal's Voice Note Request Feature

Vocal, a leading voice messaging platform, has revolutionized the way individuals and businesses request and manage voice notes. With its intuitive interface and robust functionality, Vocal empowers users to generate shareable links that allow recipients to easily record and submit voice messages.

One of the standout features of Vocal is its voice note request form. This innovative tool enables you to create customized forms with a unique URL, which can be shared with anyone via email, messaging apps, websites, or social media. Recipients can then access the form, record their voice note directly within their web browser, and submit it seamlessly.

The benefits of using Vocal's voice note request feature are numerous:

Streamlined Process

Requesting voice notes becomes a breeze, as you no longer need to rely on back-and-forth emails or manual file transfers. With a single shareable link, you can collect voice recordings from multiple respondents effortlessly.

Enhanced Accessibility

Vocal's web-based platform ensures that anyone with internet access can participate in recording voice notes. No additional software or app installations are required, making it convenient for both you and your respondents.

Customization Options

Vocal allows you to tailor your voice note request forms to your specific needs. You can add questions, text prompts, or descriptions to guide respondents and ensure you receive the desired information.

Centralized Management

All voice notes submitted through your request forms are automatically organized and stored within Vocal's platform. You can easily access, listen to, and manage the recordings from a single dashboard.

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Voice Note Request Form with Vocal

Now that you understand the value of Vocal's voice note request feature, let's dive into the step-by-step process of creating your own form

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Sign up for a Vocal account

If you haven't already, head over to Vocal's website and create an account. The signup process is quick and straightforward.

Sign up
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Navigate to the collect form creation page

Once logged in, locate the option to create a new voice note request form within Vocal's interface.

Direct link to Collect section
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Choose a unique form name/ID

Give your form a descriptive name or ID that reflects its purpose. This will be used to generate the shareable link.

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Add questions, text, or a description

Customize your form by adding any necessary questions, prompts, or instructions for your respondents. This could include specific topics you want them to address or guidelines for recording their voice notes.

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Preview and test your form

Before sharing your form, take a moment to preview it and ensure everything looks and functions as intended. You can even record a test voice note to verify the submission process works smoothly.

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Manage and update your form

Vocal provides options to edit, delete, or duplicate your forms as needed. You can make changes to your form at any time, giving you flexibility and control over your voice note requests.

Sharing the Voice Note Request Link

Once your voice note request form is created, Vocal generates a unique shareable link. This link serves as the gateway for your respondents to access the form and record their voice notes. You can distribute this link through various channels:


Include the link in an email message to your intended recipients. Provide clear instructions and any necessary context to encourage participation.

Messaging Apps

Share the link via popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Slack, or Microsoft Teams. This is particularly useful for collaborating with team members or conducting surveys within specific groups.

Websites or Blog Posts

Embed the voice note request link within your website or blog posts. This allows visitors to easily contribute their voice recordings without navigating away from your content.

By sharing the link through multiple channels, you maximize the visibility of your voice note request and increase the likelihood of receiving responses.

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Managing Received Voice Notes

Vocal provides a user-friendly interface for managing the voice notes submitted through your request forms. Once respondents record and submit their voice notes, you can access them within Vocal's platform.

The management features include:

Listening to Voice Notes

Simply click on a submitted voice note to play it directly within your browser. You can listen to the recordings at your convenience and as many times as needed.

Downloading Voice Notes

If you need to save the voice notes locally or share them with others, Vocal allows you to download the recordings in common audio formats.


Vocal offers automatic transcription services, converting the audio recordings into written text. This feature is particularly useful for quickly reviewing the content of voice notes or for accessibility purposes.

Organization and Tagging

You can organize the received voice notes by assigning tags or categories. This helps you keep track of different topics, respondents, or projects effortlessly.

Email Notifications

Vocal can send you email notifications whenever a new voice note is submitted through your request form. This ensures you stay updated and can promptly review and respond to the recordings.

With these management tools at your disposal, handling and utilizing the voice notes becomes a streamlined and efficient process.

Alternative Methods to Request Voice Notes

While Vocal's voice note request feature offers a comprehensive solution, it's worth exploring alternative methods for requesting voice recordings. These approaches may be suitable for simpler use cases or if you prefer using tools you're already familiar with.

Generic Voice Recording Apps

There are numerous voice recording apps available for smartphones and computers. You can ask your respondents to record their voice notes using these apps and send you the audio files via email or file-sharing services. However, this method lacks the convenience and automation provided by Vocal's shareable links.

Manual File Requests

Another option is to manually reach out to individuals and request voice recordings. This can be done through email, messaging apps, or phone calls. You would need to provide instructions on how to record and send the audio files, which can be time-consuming and prone to inconsistencies.

Audio Messaging Platforms

Some messaging platforms, such as WhatsApp or Telegram, have built-in audio recording capabilities. You can ask respondents to record and send voice messages directly within these apps. However, this approach may not be suitable for formal or professional contexts and lacks the organizational features offered by Vocal.

Use Cases and Applications

Requesting voice notes via shareable links has a wide range of applications across various industries and scenarios. Here are a few examples of how this feature can be leveraged:

  1. Customer Feedback and Testimonials: Businesses can use voice note request forms to gather customer feedback, testimonials, or product reviews. By providing a convenient way for customers to record their experiences, companies can collect valuable insights and use them for marketing or product improvement purposes.
  2. Interviews and Research: Researchers, journalists, or HR professionals can utilize voice note request links to conduct interviews or surveys. Participants can record their responses at their own convenience, eliminating the need for scheduled calls or in-person meetings.
  3. Educational Assessments: Teachers and educators can employ voice note requests to assess students' oral presentations, language skills, or other vocal assignments. Students can submit their recordings through the shareable link, allowing for easier evaluation and feedback.
  4. Collaborative Projects: Teams working on collaborative projects can use voice note request forms to share ideas, provide updates, or give feedback. This is particularly useful for remote teams or when written communication may not suffice.
  5. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Voice note requests offer an accessible alternative for individuals who may have difficulty typing or prefer verbal communication. By providing the option to record voice notes, you ensure that everyone can participate and contribute effectively.

These are just a few examples of how requesting voice notes via shareable links can be applied. The possibilities are vast, and the feature can be adapted to suit the specific needs of your project or workflow.

Tips and Best Practices

To make the most out of your voice note request forms, consider the following tips and best practices:

  1. Provide Clear Instructions: When sharing your voice note request link, include concise and easy-to-follow instructions. Explain the purpose of the request, the desired length of the recording, and any specific topics or questions you want addressed. Clear guidelines will help respondents provide relevant and valuable voice notes.
  2. Set Expectations: Inform respondents about the expected turnaround time for submitting their voice notes. If there are any deadlines or time-sensitive aspects to consider, make sure to communicate them clearly. Setting expectations upfront will encourage timely responses and help you manage your workflow efficiently.
  3. Follow Up and Reminders: If you don't receive voice notes within the expected timeframe, don't hesitate to send gentle reminders. People may have overlooked your initial request or forgotten to record their responses. A friendly follow-up message can prompt them to take action and ensure you receive the desired voice notes.
  4. Organize and Categorize: As you collect voice notes, take advantage of Vocal's organization features. Use tags, categories, or folders to keep your recordings structured and easily searchable. This will save you time and effort when you need to review or reference specific voice notes later on.
  5. Transcribe and Analyze: Utilize Vocal's transcription services to convert the audio recordings into written text. This allows for quick scanning and analysis of the content without having to listen to each voice note individually. Transcriptions can also be useful for sharing the insights with others or for record-keeping purposes.
  6. Respond and Engage: After receiving voice notes, consider responding to the respondents to acknowledge their contributions. This can be done through Vocal's platform or via email. Showing appreciation and engaging with your respondents fosters a positive relationship and encourages future participation.

By following these best practices, you'll be well-equipped to effectively utilize voice note request forms and maximize the value of the responses you receive.


Requesting voice notes via shareable links has transformed the way individuals and businesses collect audio recordings. With Vocal's powerful voice note request feature, you can easily create customized forms, generate unique links, and distribute them to your intended recipients. This streamlined process eliminates the hassle of manual file transfers and ensures accessibility for all participants.

By following the step-by-step guide and best practices outlined in this article, you'll be well-equipped to create effective voice note request forms, share them with others, and manage the received recordings efficiently. Whether you're gathering customer feedback, conducting interviews, or collaborating with team members, Vocal's platform provides a comprehensive solution for all your voice note needs.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your communication and streamline your audio collection process. Sign up for Vocal today and experience the benefits of requesting voice notes via shareable links firsthand. With Vocal's user-friendly interface and robust features, you'll be able to collect valuable voice recordings effortlessly and take your projects to the next level.

Generate your first link now

Start collecting voice messages