Collect voice recordings in a click

Generate a audio collection form and share the link with your recipients

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Create your collection form in a breeze

Use this section to show off one of your features in great detail.

Pick a unique name

This name (or id) is unique to your form. It generates a unique link that can be shared

Add questions, text or a description to your form

To instruct your audience what they should send you in the form.

Preview, delete your form and more

All the features you need to collect audio messages

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View all your received forms

You can see all the recordings you received and manage them

Listen to them, download them, ...

To the right (or left) of your feature text, you can add a product display just like the ones in the hero section.

Transcription to help you look through messages

We will automatically transcribe your received messages to make parsing easier

Email notifications when your form is answered

We will send you a notification every time someone answers your form.

Create your first form now

Sign up or test an existing form